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New Puppy Information for New Puppy Familes
So, you have decided to add a new 4 legged family member to your home and now you want to be as prepared as possible. Well, you have come to the right place, we wanted a way to provide our families with all of the best information and best recommendations to help with every step to puppy raising so we put together this section to share all our best secrets and tips.
Home and Family Preparations
Preparing you home for a new puppy is very important to help reduce stress the first week home for you and the puppy.
• Make sure your home is clean and everything a puppy might chew on is put away or blocked (Cords, Shoes, Socks, Toys, etc)
• Create your puppy his/her own safe space including crate, play pen, food/water bowls, etc. This place should be in a quite area so they have a place to calm and relax
• Start watching training videos (Baxter and Bella Online Puppy School is the best place to start).
Don't forget to include all household members, even kids!
• Stock up on all puppy favorites and necessities like food, treats, chews, toys, blankets, shampoo, and brushes.
(See our shopping lists for our favorites)

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