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Our Puppy Health Guarantee
Deposit Agreement
• All deposits are NON-REFUNDABLE, but are TRANSFERABLE to any Breed, List or Puppy.
• All $200 deposits are subject to Credit Card or PayPal fees that bring the deposit to $193.90
• By placing a deposit, you understand that the breeder cannot 100% guarantee a puppy during a certain timeframe. Every litter is different and we as a breeder have no control over how many pups are born, boy or girl, or colors of the puppies.
Puppy Picking
• All pictures for puppies will be posted on our website under PUPPY NURSERY
• Picking will start at 2-3 weeks old depending on how the litter is growing, eating, and how mom is doing
• You will be contacted by Phone Call when your turn. If phone call is not answered we will email, text, and message you.
• Everyone has 6 hours to reply/acknowledge us in some way, if not met you will be passed
• Video Chats or Videos are available for people to compare 2 or more pup
• At 2-3 weeks old we CAN NOT determine any behavioral or temperament differences between the puppies. Temperament also has a lot do with the environment you raise in and training you do.
Initial: ____________ Date: ________________________________
Breeder Agreement
• Puppy will be examined by a licensed veterinarian and will have received age-appropriate vaccinations and deworming.
• To the best of the breeder’s knowledge the puppy is in good health and temperament at the time of sale • Buyer will be given records of all vet exams, vaccinations, dewormings, and health records.
• Puppy will be microchipped before go home day and will be sent with a full puppy pack.
• If at any time in the first year of life the puppy is found to have a deadly genetic defect that will prevent the puppy from living normal life (existing at birth),
1. Owner will notify breeder and provide a written statement from a licensed veterinarian describing puppy’s condition.
2. Buyer will allow breeder and their veterinarian to call and discuss diagnose with buyer’s veterinarian.
3. If the puppy is confirmed via Necropsy to have deadly genetic defect and that the puppy has passed away or been euthanized, Breeder will replace the puppy from the next available litter/puppy of equal value. (Transportation will still be charged if needed)
• Breeder is not responsible if puppy contracts communicable diseases after leaving breeder’s property (Parvo, Kennel Cough, etc). It is NOT recommended to take puppy out in the community/touch the ground outside your property until puppy has received next 2 sets of vaccines and veterinarian gives the ok.
• Guarantee does not cover umbilical hernias, intestinal parasites (giardia, coccidia, worms), injuries incurred on your part after puppy is in your possession, undescended testicles, infections, urinary track problems, proper bite, size, color, temperament, shedding factor, illness due to the ingestion of foreign objects, food or chemicals, any physical injuries of any kind, any issues whose cause is unknown or may have environmental link, food sensitivities, allergies, and seizures. We have no control over the area your puppy maybe in or food you feed.
• Breeder is NEVER at any time responsible for veterinarian bills.
• In the event the puppy develops hip dysplasia by the age of 1, a copy of the x-rays and vet report stating diagnoses and severity of the hip dysplasia must be submitted within 2 days of diagnoses. After discussing all options and surgery is needed and preformed. Breeder will refund $500 (As this is the cost of which an average of 1 year of Ttupanion Insurance would cost). The $500 would be given after proof of surgery is submitted and reviewed. Proof must be a written statement of the surgery performed, signed, and dated the day of surgery and an invoice from the surgery. Hip Dysplasia is also less than 40% genetic and over 60% environmental and diet related. Ways to prevent hip dysplasia are Eat A Quality Dog Food, No Jumping Off Couches or Tables, Limiting Stairs, Not Over Exercising, staying off Slippery Surfaces, and No Long Runs, Walks, and delaying spay/neuter until the puppy’s bones are fully developed (1-2 Years of age)
• Breeder has taken all precautions and done everything possible to prevent normal puppy conditions from occurring, like coccidiosis, giardia, kennel cough, parasites, or any other bacterial infections. These conditions can be brought on by the stress of a new home. These are all treatable and are not reasons to warrant return or exchange and will not be covered. It is recommended to start/continue proper dewormings. heartworm prevention, and flea and tick prevention
• No guarantee for training or temperament as no one can guarantee the future temperament of dog due to environment influences, improper training, lack of socialization neglect or abuse. Buyer understands that all puppy/dog exhibits certain undesirable behaviors (nipping, chewing, barking, jumping, digging) It is highly recommended to participate in Baxter and Bella Online Puppy School Course and/or participate in puppy socialization/training classes (after vaccine are completed) to insure proper training and socialization.
**Before offering any guarantee, Buyer’s Veterinary MUST provide breeder with a report describing body condition, exercise habits, and any injuries that could have possible been a culprit from each appointment**
• No replacement puppy or refund will be given if:
*If puppy is euthanized without Breeder’s permission/knowledge or no necropsy is preformed if puppy passes away * if puppy/dog is overweight at any time or developing joints to be overstressed.
*If puppy is over exercised before fully grown (Running, Jumping off tall objects, etc.) *Any physical problems which are or could be the results of injury
*Is not eating a good quality food.
• This guarantee is only provided to the original purchaser on this contact. • A good quality food must have no artificial ingredients (Corn Meal, Gluten Meals, By-Products, etc)
• We highly recommend feeding Diamond Naturals Puppy Food • Stay away from Grain Free as much as possible as it has been known to cause heart problems in dogs
Buyer Agreement
• To continue all proper veterinarian care including all veterinarian recommended vaccinations, continues treatment for parasite and proper diet. All guarantees will be void if this is not met.
• To have puppy examined by a licensed veterinarian with 48 hours of receiving puppy. Must have vet email or mail the Filled Out and Signed Vet Report Located in Your Puppy Folder to breeder with 72 hours of visit. All guarantees will be void is this is not met. **Vet Appointment Should Be Made Weeks in Advance, if no availibitly is within 48 hours date below** Date planned for exam if not within 48 hours _______/_______/__________ Breeder Initial If Ok’d _________________
• Sold puppies kept after 8 weeks of age require $100.00 a week (Does not include waiting for a weekend to pick up your puppy)
• If puppy is unable to be kept due to any reason breeder must have 1st chance to retake ownership or help find a suitable home. Puppy is not for resale. Guarantees will not transfer.
• Puppy is being sold as a PET ONLY with NO BREEDING RIGHTS. Spaying or Neutering is recommended to be done between 1 and 2.5 years of age.
• Buyer must activate Trupanion’s 30 Days of Pet Insurance within 24 HOURS of pick up/delivery. If not activated this guarantee will not be valid during that 30-day period. **We recommend carrying pet insurance throughout your puppy’s life**
• Buyer agrees that if any problems or health concerns arise the buyer MUST contact the breeder first before posting on social media/asking publicly otherwise contract will be void. Also consult your veterinarian about any concerns. Dogs are living creatures, no one can guarantee they will be 100% perfect, by bring an animal into your life you understand things happen and you are responsible for them both financially and emotionally for their entire life.
• Ground Shipping is available in the continental United States for $0.70 a mile (subject to change)
• Cargo Air Transport via Delta Airlines is available for $350-500. This includes Flight Ticket, Crate, and Health Cert.
• Seller is not responsible for any problems or injury resulting in shipping. This will most likely be covered by the transporter or their insurance.
• The puppy must be paid in full, and all payments must clear the bank by the time the puppy leaves breeder’s property for shipping or delivery.
• Payment may be paid by PayPal (, Credit Card. or Cash (Final Payment Only). All payment is subject to fees. If Check is used it must clear breeders bank before pick up.
• Deposit ($200.00) must be made within 24 hours after picking your puppy or puppy will be relisted or deposits must be made for name to be placed on a waiting list.
• All deposits are NON-REFUNDABLE but, are TRANSFERABLE to any puppy, breed, or litter breeder offers. Deposits are NOT TRANSFERABLE from person to person unless special agreement is made between all 3 parties.
• Final payment must be paid in full before or at time of pick up, and before delivery or shipping can be made. If paying by check then check must clear our bank before puppy can be picked up (Not Recommended). Any fees associated with any payment method will be the buyer’s responsibility and puppy is not available to pick till all fees are paid.
• All return checks are subject to a $30 fee. The parties agree that this writing represents the entire agreement between them and no other representations, either oral or written have been made regarding puppy. Any agreements beyond this contract must be in writing, dated, agreed to, and signed by both buyer and seller. By signing below, buyer agrees he/she understands and agrees with this contract fully.
This guarantee expires 1 year from birth _____________________
Buyer’s Signature at Deposit: __________________________________________________________ Date:______________ Buyer’s Signature at Pick Up/Transport: ______________________________________________ Date:______________ Breeder’s Signature: ______________________________________________________________________ Date:____________
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